Brother Serupepeli Sinumila was the founder of the Assemblies of God in Vanuatu. Because of his pure love for the Word of God, his assistance was sought for the establishment of the Pentecostal Church in Vanuatu in the early 90s. Brother Seru stood firm on the Word of God and believed that the Truth in God’s Word must not be misplaced, dislocated or misinterpreted; it dovetailed from Genesis to Revelation. In this belief he withdrew himself from the Assemblies of God and established the Word Christian Fellowship. This church is a non-denominational gathering. Since its beginning, the Word Christian Fellowship has maintained its stand on keeping the Word of God pure and clean.

Brother Serupepeli Sinumila arrived into Port Vila, New Hebrides (now Vanuatu) from Fiji in 1964. He received the End Time Word of God from Brethren that came from New Zealand in 1973. Having received the End Time Message, he went on to establish the Word Christian Fellowship Church in 1973 and pastored this church until the Lord took him home in 2007.
The church has an interest and strive for the things of God and His elected people, and would like to see established a true spiritual relationship between God and His elected people, wherein men and women would progress on to become new creations in Christ, filled with His Spirit and live according to His Word. The church has no membership, only fellowship.