Our Church Office Bearers

Since the passing of Brother Serupepeli in April of 2007, Brother Leo Moli became Pastor of the church. Brother Leo gave his life to the Lord and was baptized in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ in July 1998. He was ordained to be one of the church Song Leaders on February 1999. On June 1999 he was voted in to be a Deacon in the church. On June 2007 he was voted by the church to be the Pastor, a positon he has held until this day.

Except for the church Musicians, Cleaners and Librarian, every other persons taking up responsibilities inside the church were voted for. Currently the following Brothers have been voted by the church congregation to take up these respective positions:

Bro. Leo Moli
Bro. Siriak Bulerong
Bro. Wycliffe Vira
Bro. Mahit Ismael
Deacon and Trustee
Bro. Peter Kaipang
Bro. Trevor Leo
Song Leader and assistant Treasurer
Bro. Glenton Atnelo
Song Leader
Bro. Lel Thomas
Bro. Kaloris